Prior to starting a project, the requirements (specs) should be scrutinized to identify the tasks required to complete the job. Work should be performed sequentially, so that the job is completed in a logical manner. Tasks that can be conducted concurrently should be considered to expedite the project. Whether we are planning a job for an in-house project, or to satisfy a customer’s request we must plan to complete the job to the spec timeline.
Prior to starting a project, the requirements (specs) should be scrutinized to identify the tasks required to complete the job. Work should be performed sequentially, so that the job is completed in a logical manner. Tasks that can be conducted concurrently should be considered to expedite the project. Whether we are planning a job for an in-house project, or to satisfy a customer’s request we must plan to complete the job to the spec timeline.
Since we may be not be sure of the exact start date, this chart of activity, is often laid out by task and weeks (days) from go-ahead. Preparing this chart will reveal what is know as critical paths which may have a major impact on the overall schedule. Critical path items are those steps that must be accomplished before major milestones can be achieved.

It is imperative that this tool not only be used to plan the job, but also to track the job once it is started. Percentage of completion estimates should be evaluated weekly to assure that we maintain the schedule. We have been involved in planning many large projects and very familiar with conducting weekly job schedule reviews to assure that a project is completed on-time.