In addition to our focus on business sales, Rapt is staffed with seasoned professionals who are experienced in managing multi-tasked efforts, requiring Project Management skills. In general, large projects require that a carefully orchestrated plan be followed to assure that the job is completed on-time and within budget. Rapt has the personnel and experience to assist you in attaining these goals.
A project management job first requires a carefully prepared job description. This is usually described in what is commonly known as the specifications, or job specs. Based on the specs, the contractor will break-down the tasks, identifying what can be done with in-house staff and available stock and what will require outside support and purchases. Simultaneously, he will prepare a job timeline chart (a Gantt chart) to indicate the expected workflow and critical path elements. This is first used for job planning, and after the job is in-house, to monitor progress.
Bids are then requested from suppliers and vendors to evaluate job costs andidentify potential sub-contractors and to prepare the formal bid submission.
While many contractors follow these basic steps, many are not organized properly and lose track of job progress, costs and cash flow management. It is essential that jobs be tracked in real -time to make sure you are on-schedule, within budget and maintain good vendor relations by making sure that bills are paid on-time. Based on our many years of project management experience, we have developed proven methods to perform each of these tasks.

Among the services we offer are:
• Cash Flow Management
– Manage Cash Position
– Manage Collections
– Manage Vendors
• Budgeting
– Prepare Income Projections based on measurable expectations (on monthly basis).
– Compare Actual to Projected performance to indicate areas requiring improvement.
– Use estimates to evaluate alternate project profitability.
– Evaluate G&A and Overhead costs for bid preparation.
– Evaluate Break Even Performance.
• Project Management
– Prepare detailed timeline of planned activities.
– Manage resources (sub-contractors, internal labor, etc.)
– Marketing advantage
• Estimating/Cost Control
– Prepare cost breakdown of project for bidding purposes.
– Update with actual costs on real time basis to assure that within budget and to proactively manage project costs. (It’s too late to make a profit once the job is over cost!).